The House of Ivan Vasov and The Museum of Ethnography, is a cultural institution located in the heart of Sopot, Bulgaria. It was established in 1935 and […]
The House Museum of Peyo Yavorov is located in the picturesque town of Chirpan, Bulgaria. It is dedicated to the famous Bulgarian poet and revolutionary Peyo Yavorov, […]
Dom-Pametnik of Yordan Yovkov is a historic house located in the town of Dobrich, Bulgaria. In 1980, a house-monument was built next to the house museum, which […]
The Chudomir Art and Literature Museum is dedicated to the renowned Bulgarian writer and artist Chudomir. Born in 1890, Chudomir was known for his satirical and humorous […]
The House of Yordan Yovkov in Zheravna, Bulgaria, is a cultural and historical landmark,dedicated to the famous Bulgarian writer Yordan Yovkov. The house was built in the […]
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