Mst Sumaiya Akter posted a new Place
History The Serra da Capivara National Park is located in northeastern Brazil and is known for its prehistoric rock paintings. The park was established in 1979 to protect these historical sites, some of which date back over 25,000 years....
Mst Sumaiya Akter posted a new Place
History The Imperial Museum in Rio de Janeiro was originally built as a residence for the Portuguese Royal Family in the early 19th century. It later became the residence of the Brazilian Imperial Family when Brazil gained its independence...
Mst Sumaiya Akter posted a new Place
History Igreja Hill, also known as Morro da Igreja, is a famous landmark located in Santa Catarina, Brazil. The hill is home to the iconic Miracle Church, which was built in the 18th century. It is believed that the...
Mst Sumaiya Akter posted a new Place
History The Meeting of the Waters is a fascinating natural phenomenon that occurs near Manaus, Brazil, where the dark waters of the Rio Negro meet the sandy-colored waters of the Solimões River, but they don't mix for several kilometers....
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