Pink Mamma is a spacious and welcoming four-story trattoria with stunning decor where Florentine-style meat dishes are the star of the show. The staff breeds and nurtures their own cattle, ensuring the meat, corn-fed and extraordinarily tender, is matured for at least 30 days. As the saying goes in the region, anything less than three fingers thick is not a steak, but a carpaccio. It’s almost unthinkable to order a Bistecca alla Fiorentina without savoring it alongside a glass of Chianti Riserva. Pink Mamma also has a unique collection of wines, with incredible discoveries, like old vintages straight from the cellars of historic Tuscan inns. These wines pair fantastically with their meat dishes, contributing to the atmospheric charm beneath the top floor’s glass ceiling. For those with preferences outside of meat, Pink Mamma has catered an exquisite menu offering antipastis, pizzas, and pasta. Moreover, if patrons are brave enough to explore the basement, pushing past the off-limits doors may lead to a delightful surprise.
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