The Comal River, aptly nicknamed the “longest shortest river in the world,” is a gem nestled in the heart of central Texas. Spanning just over two miles, this crystalline river offers an array of recreational activities from tubing to snorkeling, making it the go-to waterside retreat for locals and tourists alike.
History The Comal River plays an essential role in the city of New Braunfels, which was founded by a group of German immigrants in 1845. Historically, the river has been a lifeline, providing water for residents, power for mills, and a natural setting that continues to contribute to the city’s unique charm.
How to Get There To reach the Comal River, most travelers fly into San Antonio or Austin and then make the short drive to New Braunfels. In the city, the focal point for visitors is the Landa Park, with access to the river and numerous other amenities.
List of Attractions
Ticket Information Access to the river, notably through Landa Park, is generally free, although some activity vendors— such as tube rentals or waterpark passes—will have their own fees.
List of Tips for Visiting
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