The Walls of Piran, once a defensive structure against invasions, are a well-preserved historical monument offering some of the most stunning panoramic views of Piran and the Adriatic Sea. Having stood the test of time since their inception in the 7th century, these walls are a powerful testament to the town’s intriguing past.
Getting There
Piran is a compact, pedestrian-only town. You can park your vehicle in one of the nearby public lots, like the Fornače parking lot, and walk to the Walls. From the Tartini Square, expect a 15-minute uphill trek to the Walls.
The Walls: The old town walls stretch over a kilometer, with crenelated fortifications and towers that offer spellbinding vistas across Piran and the Adriatic coast.
St. George’s Cathedral: On your way to or from the Walls, stop by the Cathedral, which pays homage to the patron saint of Piran.
Watchtowers: There are three preserved towers along the Walls which you can explore. The highest of these, the Škrkalo or Mornaro Tower, offers a 360-degree view and is the perfect spot to enjoy a sunset.
Visiting Hours
The Walls of Piran are generally open from 8 am to 8 pm daily. Variations might occur based on the season, so it’s advisable to check the official website beforehand.
Tickets & Pricing
There’s an entrance fee for visiting the Walls. For the most current pricing, check the official website or inquire at the ticket booth upon arrival.
Shopping & Dining
While there are no shopping or dining facilities on the walls itself, Piran offers a variety of local gift shops and delightful eateries, all within a short stroll from the Walls.
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