The Mardasson Memorial in Bastogne, Belgium, is a poignant tribute to the American soldiers who fought and died during the Battle of the Bulge, one of the most significant battles of World War II. This memorial stands as a symbol of the friendship between the Belgian people and the United States, honoring the sacrifices made by American troops during this pivotal moment in history.
The Mardasson Memorial was built immediately after World War II and dedicated in 1950. It is a star-shaped monument located near Bastogne, in the Luxembourg province of Belgium. The memorial is dedicated to the nearly 77,000 American soldiers who were killed, wounded, or missing during the Battle of the Bulge. The Latin inscription on the memorial stone reads: “”LIBERATORIBVS / AMERICANIS / POPVLVS BELGICVS / MEMOR / IV.VII.MCMXLVI.”” This translates to “”The Belgian people remember their American liberators – 4th July 1946.””
How to Get There
The Mardasson Memorial is located adjacent to the Bastogne War Museum, which is about 2 kilometers outside of Bastogne town center. There is no public transportation available, so the best way to visit is by car or with a guided tour. If you are driving, there is paid parking available near the museum, and you can pay the fee at the machine outside the museum before returning to your car.
1. Mardasson Memorial: An impressive star-shaped monument dedicated to the American soldiers who fought and died during the Battle of the Bulge.
2. Crypt: An underground crypt with three altars representing different religions of the soldiers (Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish). The crypt is decorated with impressive mosaics by French artist Fernand Léger and is lit by natural light via a unique glass ceiling.
3. Viewpoint: A viewpoint at the back left side of the monument offering a scenic view of the former battlefields. While the view from the top of the monument is more spectacular, this is a good alternative if you are unable to climb the stairs.
4. Panoramic View: From the top of the stairs leading up to the monument, you will have a panoramic view of the surrounding area, which was part of the historic battle fought in what is now a picturesque region.
Ticket Information
– Admission: The Mardasson Memorial is an outdoor attraction and does not require tickets. However, the crypt and stairs may be closed during bad weather or when the museum is closed.
– Accessibility: The memorial and surrounding paths are accessible, but the top of the monument and the crypt can only be reached via the stairs.
Tips for Visiting
1. Time Needed: Plan to spend about 20-30 minutes for a visit to the Mardasson Memorial, including time to explore the crypt and read the inscriptions on the walls. If you read the entire story of the battle, it may take longer.
2. Accessibility: Be prepared for stairs if you want to climb to the top of the monument or visit the crypt. The viewpoint is an alternative if you cannot climb the stairs.
3. Combining with Other Attractions: The Mardasson Memorial is best combined with a visit to the Bastogne War Museum and potentially other landmarks in Bastogne, such as Bois Jacques and the 101st Airborne Museum.
4. Practical Information: There are no facilities at the memorial itself, but there are facilities available at the adjacent Bastogne War Museum. It is recommended to visit the museum first and then proceed to the memorial.
Visiting the Mardasson Memorial is a humbling experience that offers a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made during World War II. It is a must-see for anyone interested in history, particularly those interested in the Battle of the Bulge and its significance in American and Belgian history.