The American Museum of Natural History in NYC is a must-see spot for anyone curious about natural history and science. Nestled on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, right […]
The Centro Ambiental Itaipu is a historical and scientific museum located near the Itaipu Dam that features artifacts found from the construction of the dam. This includes […]
The Historical Museum of Melnik is located in the charming town of Melnik, Bulgaria. It was established in 1968 and is housed in a beautiful Renaissance-style building. […]
History of Museo diocesano d’arte sacra Sant’Apollonia Nestled in the charming cloister of Sant’Apollonia, dating back to the 16th century, this museum is a gem for those […]
Buda Castle is a historic royal palace located in Budapest, Hungary offering stunning views of the city. Tickets: Tickets can be purchased online or at the entrance […]
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