Tucked away amidst the urban hustle of New York City, the LaGuardia Corner Gardens provides the perfect oasis of beauty, camaraderie, and tranquility. This lush, volunteer-run community garden is a treasure trove of unique plants, vibrant flowers, and charming wildlife right in the heart of Greenwich Village.
The LaGuardia Corner Gardens were born out of the “Green Guerillas” movement in 1973. The land, owned by New York University, was neglected and filled with rubble. However, a group of neighborhood residents saw potential in the space, transforming it into an urban garden. The Garden has since then been a testament to community spirit and engagement.
Located at the corner of LaGuardia Place and Bleecker Street, the Garden is accessible by subway. Take the A, B, C, D, E, F, or M to West Fourth Street-Washington Square Station or the 1 to Christopher Street-Sheridan Square Station. It’s a short walk from either station.
Admission to the LaGuardia Corner Gardens is free, as it is a public, community-run space.
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